Thursday 17 January 2013


Goals – we all have them. They are either tucked away in the depth of our mind or written down in a company annual review. At this time of the year, as we have seen out the old and see in the new year, we are all filled, to some extent, with determination to do or not to do what we had done the year before. It is a strange thing New Year – it is the one time of the year, in my humble opinion, where you are set free from guilt for not doing something or doing better than the time before and you are filled with a glass over-flowing with determination.

So why do you and I fail to achieve our brilliance? I hope to shed some light on this from what I have taken from the learning of many failed New Year resolutions.

Where do goals come from? I believe they are the dreams we have, and I am not talking about the ones that make you toss and turn at night, but simply a vision or inspiration we see in our minds eye of where we would like to be or achieve, in other word, a big white fluffy cloud on the horizon.

Thus making a goal is a very simple and uncomplicated process. It would be simply to focus on one or more of your white fluffy clouds and start. But wait… if that was the case why do we fail to achieve some of the very basic goals we chase? Simply it comes down to not planning and taking the appropriate action as well as not understanding self. I read a quote some time back which said: "A dream is a dream, but a goal is a dream with a plan and date”.

I believe that you, the person reading this blog, can achieve anything. How do I know this? Well… “YOU HAVE GOT THIS FAR, HAVEN’T YOU!” Before reading further, pause and  take a moment to reflect on all the things you have achieved, some BIG and scary and some not so big and scary but they are done!

So I believe you can do it, without ever having met you, all you need to do know is take the resolution made before midnight on the 31st December and understand self, devise a rustic plan and a date in the future to achieve your God given greatness. LET'S GO!

I am not a great believer in Motivational Talking and this is because I believe that Motivational Talking is performed too often in isolation to the full picture of achieving goals. I realise that when you finish reading this blog you return to your reality i.e. paying bills, work deadlines and pressure, family issues, etc. I believe that it must be a Life Style change where “motivational talking” is the catalyst to start the journey of discovery and achievement. Thus, what follows are things to factor in to ensuring you “start the way you intend to finish”.

  1. The Journey:  The 1st thing to remember in achieving a goal is that it's a journey of discovery and not a destination. As you progress down the road, you will learn more about yourself, enhance what it is you want to achieve, suffer disappointments and have mini wins along the way. Too often we see a destination and when we experience the above in some shape or form, we give up! REMEMBER: IT IS A JOURNEY.
  2. The Plan:  This does not need to be a complicated and intense document, it simply is a rustic vital 1st step. Once implemented, in its rustic format, you will start to make the appropriate amendments. Remember “Fail to plan and plan to fail” HAVE A SIMPLISTIC RUSTIC 1st PLAN!
  3. Date:  This is a marker in the sand, point in the future, perhaps the motivation to get going on your journey and lastly an end point. This is a tricky one as too often people are not realistic about the timeline set. It can’t be something too far or to close in the future for you to achieve, it needs to be something that creates the right amount of pressure or “good stress”. Remember be flexible – change the date if necessary should “life happen”. All I would want to know from you is "DID YOU SUCCEED IN YOUR GOAL?", not how long it took to get there. An example – It took me 6 years to get my degree due to learning challenges I was born with. No one has ever asked me how long it took but all asked, do you have a degree? THUS HAVE A DATE!
  4. Know Self:  Who are you? To me this is important; knowing yourself and how you work will take a lot of disappointment away. It will also help you determine what support you will need to keep you on track. My wife and close friend have been gems in pushing one who suffers from a disease called procrastination! WHO AM I?
  5. Road Blocks:  The things I referred to above as “Life”, delays, curve balls etc. These can come from anywhere, family and friends included. Understand them and deal with them, remaining flexible, determined never to give up at the first uphill you encounter and ensure you just keep peddling! Unfortunately with every journey these tests are going to come. I encourage you to embrace them, as they are the mini tests, that check just how much the achieving of your goal burns in your belly! If we did not have them we would not have goals in my view, as nothing that comes easy is worth having. EMBRACE ROAD BLOCKS!
  6. Submit Your Plans to God:  Proverbs 19 vs 21 “Many are the plans of the mind of man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established”. God has many great plans for you by simply submitting them in prayer, doing what you need to do daily, being still for a moment to hear God speaking to you and having faith, you will bring on a powerful leader, mentor and friend to keep you on your journey of success and discovery! SUBMIT IN PRAYER THAT WHICH YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE TO ALMIGHTY GOD!


Wednesday 12 December 2012

In the Beginning:

Ride 4 Education                                           
November 2012

Welcome to the first post on the Ride 4 Education blog. I have spent much time thinking about what to write and reflect on and have written this first post about a million times in my head. Finally I am sitting down and typing something that I hope will provide you with information about what the Ride4Education is, the vision, hopefully what you can do with the ride4education course.

So where did the whole idea come from?  Hmm… on reflection this has been a dream that has sat in the white puffy cloud in my head for a long time. As with everything in nature, there is a time and a season for everything. I finally feel the spring buds pushing me forward for the launch of the Ride4Education. So here we go!

I believe in the power of the individual and that you can achieve anything! The only thing stopping you is … YOU. I believe that we are all super heroes waiting for the call to spring into action and working together with all our super talents and let greatness unfold. So who is with me? 

Lifting my head and gazing upon the future, which is both uncertain and exciting, the vision that I see for the Ride4Education is this: To not stand on the side lines and shout the odds but to roll up our sleeves and get stuck in!

The vision is therefore to create, empower and mobilise a community of individuals who are working together to make a difference for all by either making a contribution financially or by just getting stuck in to use whatever talents, skills or connections you have to help others. Lets aim to “embark on a journey where we create, empower and mobilise people to make a difference through the “Education” and in turn pay it forward, give back, one person at a time.”

The Ride4Education is a Non-Profit Organisation where funds raised by myself (through my riding efforts), or those taking the Ride4Education course journey and providing assistance to those in need, either by providing funds to continue studying or giving the materials for education to continue i.e. Books, Stationery etc.

At this point I would like to explain that the words ‘Ride and Education’ must be viewed in a broad sense, that is to say Ride and Education would be the journey and not one of you getting on your bike and trekking across the country, as said, it is your journey, your road working with the course to make a difference to educate, teach, share and make a difference. Make sense…

As I am a bit of Mountain Biking nut I will be taking myself and my faithful Iron steed through some of the most beautiful and awesome mountain bike tracks in South Africa during the 2013 Sani2C Mountain Bike Race. Prior to the race I will have secured funds, which will be donated to the Ride4Education Trust and used to support a worthy course, for the blessing I received by being sponsored an entry in to this race by Varsity College.

During the time leading up to and during the race I will be keeping the Ride4 Education community updated through Facebook, Twitter and the Blog on my training and day in the saddle at the race.

In closing, I hope to lead by example as this is the only way I know how. I hope to inspire you to take the course, make it your own, share it with others and give the course the opportunity to share on the blog what you have and or contributing to Ride 4Education cause.

By faith in Almighty God alone we move forward unsure of what the future holds but riding on, doing the most with what we have been blessed with today, trusting it will make a difference.
